Aged Care

Arts & Culture
The music app supporting dementia care at home
A new app aims to train family carers of people with dementia to use music to support care and reduce symptoms at home

Health & Medicine
Can robots really be companions for older adults?
Social isolation is a problem for many older adults, but are social robots an answer – and what do our elderly people think?

Sciences & Technology
Are robots the answer for aged care during pandemics?
Care robots may be a safer option in aged care during pandemics like COVID-19, but how far can robotic care go and how far do we want it to go?

Health & Medicine
The key barriers to meaningful aged care reform
A record funding commitment has been made to fix an aged care system that’s failing older Australians, but how far does the new Budget go?

Business & Economics
Competition isn’t improving the aged care sector
A new study finds more competition isn’t associated with better quality of care or lower prices in aged care, prompting policy reform to address sources of market failures

Politics & Society
COVID-19, age discrimination and aged care
From hospitals refusing to admit aged care COVID-19 patients, to government recommendations that care homes provide coronavirus treatment – it goes against age discrimination laws

Health & Medicine
Alzheimer’s disease during a pandemic
While COVID-19 has changed the way people with Alzheimer’s disease can access care, it’s also led to innovation and collaboration

Business & Economics
More transparency needed in PPE supply chains
COVID-19 has exposed a shortage of manufacturing capacity in personal protective equipment, but the larger problem is a lack of transparency over supplies and supply chains

Health & Medicine
People in aged care sector need psychological as well as physical protection
Our aged care workforce is facing unprecedented stress during the pandemic. Staff, as well as residents, need a psychological version of PPE to protect their mental wellbeing

Health & Medicine
Dealing with COVID-19 in aged care
Communication and connection are critical to addressing COVID-19 in Victoria’s aged care facilities. But this crisis is yet another reminder that the system is broken – it’s high time we fixed it