Politics & Society
Reimagining age equality at work
There’s an ambivalence in age discrimination law. Now, age equality needs a voice to ensure a more equal future in the workplace
Politics & Society
COVID-19, age discrimination and aged care
From hospitals refusing to admit aged care COVID-19 patients, to government recommendations that care homes provide coronavirus treatment – it goes against age discrimination laws
Business & Economics
Women, age discrimination and work
Ageism and sexism are nothing new, but many countries are reporting an increase in age bias, particularly against women. So why are women less likely to make an age discrimination claim?
Business & Economics
An older society will need to work for all
A new survey suggests intergenerational competition is a key driver of ageist attitudes and needs to be overcome
Health & Medicine
Seniorpreneur: We need you
Australia needs its older workers and they want to contribute, but more is needed to end discrimination and encourage older people into business and workplaces