Air Pollutants

Sciences & Technology

Air pollution makes it harder for insects to find food and mates

The impact of air pollution particles on insects is greater than previously thought and may be a driver of global declines in insect populations


Clear skies and longer lives

Global COVID-19 pandemic restrictions provided a natural experiment in understanding the relationship between transport and air pollution

Health & Medicine

Premature birth linked to lung disease later in life

New research led by the University of Melbourne shows a link between premature birth and obstructive lung disease after age 50, particularly for smokers


Cutting agricultural emissions will reduce air pollution and save lives

Reducing ammonia emissions from agriculture will substantially benefit global health and can be done at low cost shows new research

Health & Medicine

The impact of air pollution on life expectancy

Air pollution is already having devastating effects on human health, now a new study shows how particulate matter in the air is associated with premature deaths

Health & Medicine

Heating and cooking at home linked to asthma

Wood heating, gas cooking and heating in the home are linked to an increased risk of asthma and more rapid decline in lung function


Simulating smog

This White Night festival, Melbournians can vicariously experience some of the world’s dirtiest air in the art installation, Pollution Pods. But how does it compare to the air we breathe in Australia?

Health & Medicine

Childcare centres and car exhaust: A dangerous mix

New research finds that many inner Melbourne childcare centres are built close to busy roads, putting children near dangerous vehicle exhaust and highlighting the need for buffer zones




Fume with a view: consumer products and your indoor air quality

From our archives: What are the hidden hazards of everyday fragrances?

Health & Medicine

Are Australia’s roads giving you asthma?

New research finds that living close to a major road increases your risk of asthma in middle age by around 50 per cent