
Health & Medicine
We now know a lot more about thunderstorm asthma
New research is helping to identify people at higher risk of seasonal and thunderstorm asthma so they can start treatment early

Health & Medicine
What you need to know about new treatments for children with peanut allergies
Three in 100 Australian kids have a peanut allergy. New research is investigating the quality-of-life benefits of new treatments and their value for money

Health & Medicine
A new way to manage antibiotic allergies in Australia
Two million Australians self-report an allergy to penicillin – but most actually aren’t allergic – and this can lead to serious public health consequences

Exploring the air we breathe
While hay fever sufferers are well aware of the pollen in Melbourne’s air, ongoing research is investigating exactly what other particles we might be breathing

Health & Medicine
Asthma and staying out of hospital
When a child gets admitted to hospital for their asthma it is an opportunity to make a plan for staying out of hospital. But why is the rate of readmission rising?

Health & Medicine
How allergies may get under our skin
Emerging evidence suggests that infants may be contracting allergies through their skin. Now, a major trial is underway to test whether regular skin treatment can prevent babies becoming allergic

Health & Medicine
Breathing easy: Treating steroid resistant asthmatics
Steroid resistance in the lungs is a critical problem for severe asthmatics, but researchers have tracked down the molecular cause and a new inhaled treatment is on the way

Health & Medicine
Allergies, food labelling & saving lives
People with allergies are still experiencing anaphylaxis after eating packaged foods they thought were safe, but a simple labelling system could help

Sciences & Technology
Thunderstorm asthma: Counting pollen to save lives
This year’s dry winter is good news for Melbourne’s hay fever sufferers, but after last year’s thunderstorm asthma event claimed nine lives, there are never any guarantees when it comes to pollen

Health & Medicine
Venomous stings and bites lie close to home
Watch out for bees and snakes – of all Australia’s venomous nasties they pose the biggest threat. And your home is the danger zone