
Health & Medicine

Why giraffes have spots

A new study provides the first anatomical proof of why giraffes have spots – and how they relate to plastic surgery

Health & Medicine

Women in science still jumping higher hurdles

The digital revolution has changed the game for women and girls in science, but despite strong progress, female students are still asking dispiriting questions

Health & Medicine

4 things you may not know about human anatomy

Can you flex the last joint on your index finger? Do you have a palmaris longus muscle in your palm? On World Anatomy Day, see what you can discover about your body

Health & Medicine

The digital dissection of the human body

Understanding human anatomy is key for medical practice, now a new tool, An@tomedia, allows for the digital dissection of our insides

Health & Medicine



Legs, ligaments and longevity

We peek inside the Harry Brookes Allen Museum of Anatomy and Pathology on a joint adventure with an anatomy expert

Arts & Culture

Bones of contention

At ­first blush they may seem a little macabre, but the exhibits in the University’s Anatomy Museum provide a great teaching resource – and the odd mystery

Arts & Culture

Treasure trove gathered from afar

An Indiana Jones lookalike left 60 boxes to a University of Melbourne museum. Inside, researchers found a clue to the mystery of the museum’s mummified Egyptian head.

Sciences & Technology


Go Figure

Why don’t humans have tails?

Yes, there is a good tale behind the disappearance of tails from monkeys to humans

Health & Medicine


Under the Microscope

How a thirst for knowledge led to a career among bones

Dr Rita Hardiman started her journey when she was given a chemistry set aged 9, but she has found her passion studying anatomy