Ancient History

Arts & Culture
The secret to living a longer, healthier life – according to the ancients
The Ancient Greeks and Romans had a lot to say about longevity and good health – some of it remains true today

Arts & Culture
The archaeology of olive oil in the ancient world
Olive oil is liquid gold. It’s been precious to humans for almost eight thousand years – used in everything from birth to death

Arts & Culture
Ancient teens were full of existential angst too
What you’re going to do with your life is one of the big questions young people grapple with. But rest assured, some of history’s greats went through it too

Arts & Culture
Ancestral ties to the Kabayan ‘fire’ mummies is driving research to save them
An unexpected family link to the Philippines’ Kabayan mummies inspired research into environmental changes in the mountain caves that house them

Arts & Culture
Happy ancient Roman Mother’s Day
No breakfast in bed and a bouquet, on Roman Mother’s Day, women served their slaves and offered flowers to a goddess

Arts & Culture
Think you know your Ancient History?
Can you tell Minoan from Mycenaean? Or recall Nero’s dying words? Test yourself in our Classics quiz

Arts & Culture
What was it like to be a child in the Roman Empire?
As the researcher for a new children’s novel set in Ancient Roman times, archaeologist Tamara Lewit found herself hunting for answers to questions she’d never considered

Sciences & Technology
Laos jars are slowly revealing their secrets
New dating techniques find that Laos’ stone jars may be at least 3,000 years old, but the sites remained significant for rituals until just 700 years ago

Arts & Culture
How plague helped make Rome a superpower
Epidemics haunt history, but at a time of COVID-19 it pays to remember they shape history too, as happened in 212 BC at Syracuse

Arts & Culture
Out of ancient marshes
Archaeology at the site of the former Pontine Marshes has uncovered a massive but forgotten feat of ancient land reclamation revealing the early determination of the Romans to bend the world to their will