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  1. 14 July 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    Stronger action to curb overuse of antibiotics

    A crack down in Australia on repeat prescriptions is just one of a range of moves needed to curb the overuse of antibiotics say University of Melbourne experts

  2. 30 October 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    How do we close the gaps in appropriate antibiotic use?

    Melbourne University research shows that for rural hospitals to use better antibiotic prescribing practices, collaboration and workforce capacity are key.

  3. 4 September 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    The rise of the latest drug resistant superbug

    Researchers at the Doherty Institute and the University of Melbourne have discovered a new superbug, already resistant to known antibiotics in parts of Europe.

  4. 29 July 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    Improving how we manage sepsis

    Sepsis is a life threatening complication; University of Melbourne and Peter MacCallum research describes a new hospital pathway of care to treat sepsis early

  5. 16 April 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    Australia’s flesh-eating bug outbreak needs urgent research

    A University of Melbourne expert says a localised outbreak of the rare flesh-eating Buruli Ulcer in Australia has exposed a major gap in scientific knowledge.

  6. 20 March 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    The chemical warfare against bacterial superbugs

    University of Melbourne research into chemically-altering old forgotten antibiotics is helping to open a new front in the critical war against drug resistance.

  7. 15 February 2018 - Engineering & Technology

    Enlisting nanoparticles in the fight against superbugs

    University of Melbourne bio-engineers have developed a material made from nanoparticles that can fight antibiotic-resistant superbugs like Golden Staph.

  8. 5 February 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    Antibiotics during pregnancy and the link to a baby’s immune system

    University of Melbourne and Murdoch Children's Research Institute researchers have found a link between taking antibiotics in pregnancy and child infection.

  9. 15 December 2016 - Animals, Food & You

    The tiny drop fighting the big problem of antibiotic resistance

    As antibiotic-resistant superbugs pose an increasing threat to human health, a new chicken vaccine could help stop them in their tracks.