Antimicrobial resistance

Health & Medicine

Into the wild to fight antibiotic resistance

Antimicrobial resistance is part of the chemical warfare bacteria wage in nature, and that’s where researchers now looking for new clues to overcome it

Health & Medicine

The tech boosting world-class antimicrobial research

As we mark Antimicrobial Awareness week, one Australian collaboration has been pioneering software solutions and research into antimicrobial stewardship for nearly two decades

Health & Medicine

Antibiotic use too long in surgery

New research finds antibiotics are often prescribed inappropriately before, during and after surgery, and more needs to be done to change the culture of prescription

Health & Medicine

The right antibiotic at the right time

Managing the problem of antibiotic overuse and the treatment of sepsis concurrently can help to support better infection management

Health & Medicine

Stronger action to curb overuse of antibiotics

Cracking down on repeat prescriptions is just one of a range of actions needed to restrict the overuse of antibiotics

Health & Medicine

How do we close the gaps in appropriate antibiotic use?

Collaboration is key to strengthening antimicrobial stewardship across regional and remote Australia

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The rise of the latest drug resistant superbug

In parts of Europe, some strains of the latest superbug are already resistant to all known antibiotics – but researchers don’t yet know how it is spreading internationally

Health & Medicine

Is this the end for alcohol handwash in hospitals?

Alcohol handwash is becoming less effective against some strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but it doesn’t mean we stop sanitising our hands

Health & Medicine

The chemical warfare against bacterial superbugs

Chemically altering old antibiotics once thought too toxic for humans is opening a new front in the fight against antibiotic resistance that is now a global crisis

Health & Medicine

Enlisting nanoparticles in the fight against superbugs

As antibiotics become less and less effective, researchers are turning to new ways to defeat drug-resistant bacteria like Golden Staph