
Sciences & Technology

Once just a speck of light, now revealed as the biggest known galaxy in the early Universe

Detailed pictures of one of the first galaxies show growth in the early Universe was much faster than first thought

Sciences & Technology

The great mystery of interstellar chemistry

Researchers are replicating the cold vacuum of space to study how interstellar molecules are produced and what they’re made of

Sciences & Technology

Sky fireballs and a shark in the stars: Indigenous art and astronomy

Meriam elder Uncle Segar Passi shares his knowledge of weather, wildlife, sea, land and sky and how they influence his artwork, now featured on a new commemorative coin

Arts & Culture



Picturing the Event Horizon

In 2019, astronomers captured the first ever image of a black hole. Around it is the Event Horizon, where space and time bend. It’s an amazing picture, but is it art?

Sciences & Technology



Launching the SpIRIT satellite

Australian researchers describe their plans to build the SpIRIT satellite – launching by 2022 – that’s helping to develop cutting-edge space capabilities in Australia

Sciences & Technology

Where have all the stars gone?

Stars helped shaped human culture for thousands of years, but we see far fewer of them now than our ancestors or rural friends; now a citizen science program will map light pollution across Australia

Sciences & Technology

Putting the Universe under the telescope

The 2020s will use increasingly complex technology to ramp up our efforts to understand more about the Universe

Sciences & Technology



Indigenous astronomy

After moving from the US to study in Australia, astrophysicist Associate Professor Duane Hamacher now works to increase Indigenous representation in the astronomical and space sciences

Sciences & Technology

Where next for space exploration?

Everyone is talking about our achievements in space since the moon landing 50 years ago, but what new ‘giant leap’ will we all be talking about 50 years from now?

Sciences & Technology

Sky hopping with Australia’s first space telescope

Innovative design is combining with new, low-cost nano-satellite technology to build Australia’s first space telescope, Skyhopper