Atmospheric Science
Sciences & Technology
More fires as our air gets thirstier
Greater water demand in the atmosphere means an increase in forest fire risk – for at least an extra 30 days per year – without urgent and effective climate action, finds new research
Sciences & Technology
Does Melbourne’s rain occur in ‘lines’?
From 15 years of radar data, researchers show Melbourne’s rain often appears in ‘squall lines’ across the city, and they make a substantial contribution to total rainfall because of their size and motion
Sciences & Technology
How do aerosols help our atmosphere clean itself?
Antarctica’s pristine air and waters - and a unique shipboard laboratory - are helping researchers delve into climate change
Whatever happened to the ozone hole?
Lessons in timely action to avert global disaster
Go Figure
The science behind these big monsters
We’ve all seen footage of tropical cyclones. But this is how they form and why climate change is reducing their number – but increasing their power
Sciences & Technology
Go Figure
Big white clouds are light and fluffy right? Wrong!
We lift the fog on cloud dynamics
Sciences & Technology
What happened to Mars’ atmosphere?
Now we know the answer: It’s blowing in the (solar) winds