
Politics & Society

Building digital resilience among older CALD Australians

How young people can help bridge the digital divide and improve how older generations interact with technology

Sciences & Technology

Scientists are discovering the deepest evolutionary secrets of Australia’s marsupial mole

Marsupial moles, Australia's enigmatic subterranean mammals, offer a fascinating glimpse into evolution, adaptation and conservation

Health & Medicine



Heatwaves and climate change are Australia’s deadliest ‘unnatural’ disaster

With the mercury soaring in much of the country, extreme heat and heatwaves are fast becoming Australia’s most urgent climate-driven health emergency

Politics & Society

Australia isn’t immune to disaster disinformation

Disinformation can make it hard for people to distinguish and act on accurate advice. And this can mean life or death when it comes to natural disasters like bushfires

Politics & Society


In Pursuit of Knowledge

Episode 2: Strengthening multiculturalism in a time of conflict

In this Episode of In Pursuit of Knowledge we ask why multiculturalism in Australia appears to be under significant strain, and what can we do to repair it?


If Australia wants high-speed rail, it must take regions along for the ride

Even after four decades of studies and debate, Australia is yet to develop a plan that integrates regional cities into a high-speed rail network

Sciences & Technology

Bushfires are changing the ‘hidden’ understorey in our forests

New research finds that more frequent and intense fires are changing Australia’s forests, but to save the understorey, we need to change our approach

Business & Economics

Australia’s young people are getting lonelier

Younger Australians are more likely than their parents or grandparents to feel alone in the world, finds the annual HILDA survey

Business & Economics

Vaping is ‘a young person phenomenon’ in Australia

For the first time, the annual HILDA survey has explored who is using vapes and e-cigarettes. And it’s Australia’s young people getting hooked

Business & Economics

The ‘perfect storm’ causing Australians psychological distress

Over the past 15 years, more Australians have experienced growing psychological distress, finds the annual HILDA survey, but it’s bigger than smartphones and social media