Australian Census

What’s your attitude to immigrants and refugees? It may depend on where you live thumbnail image

Politics & Society

What’s your attitude to immigrants and refugees? It may depend on where you live

The more diverse your neighbourhood, the more open you are likely to be to immigration and refugees (but not always)

Crunching the numbers for the common good thumbnail image

Sciences & Technology

Crunching the numbers for the common good

How big data is informing some of the big decisions about our country’s future

Mapping Australia’s multicultural future thumbnail image

Politics & Society

Mapping Australia’s multicultural future

In a world first, Australia will conduct a census of multicultural young people in the country - finding out how they’re faring economically and socially, and their vision for the future

Making Big Data deliver thumbnail image

Sciences & Technology

Making Big Data deliver

Australia’s AURIN platform is a unique computing resource making sense of the masses of data researchers are now dealing with.

Is Australia’s public service competent? thumbnail image

Business & Economics



Is Australia’s public service competent?

Was the Census fail a one-off or is there a pattern of failure within the public service, and if so what is happening?