Australian Federal Elections

Sciences & Technology

The Australian research helping to verify US election results

In an era of increasing digitisation of electoral processes, Australian researchers have developed an algorithm to make democracy more accountable


Australia’s new government must tackle food insecurity

Australia needs to boost its capacity to weather shocks to our food security. And that’s why we need a Minister for Food

Politics & Society

Broken parachutes

The 2022 election is yet another sign that the days of ‘parachuted in’ star power are over – voters want candidates with grassroots

Politics & Society

Fifty shades of teal

The independent “teal” candidates have shaken up the 2022 Australian election campaign, but there are plenty of idiosyncrasies among them

Politics & Society

Using design to put voters at the heart of elections

Digital technologies give us the opportunity to transform voting to better engage people in the electoral system

Politics & Society

Why wait? Treaty and the Federal election

First Nations Peoples shouldn’t have to wait for non-Indigenous Australians and the Government to catch up when it comes to committing to Treaty

Health & Medicine

Challenging five years of transphobia

The real-world impact of the ‘transgender debate’ is unrelenting on Australia’s trans community, however, small but visible acts of allyship can go a long way


Disconnect: Climate change and the Australian election

Climate change is one of the top issues for the majority of Australian voters, so why are the major parties ignoring it ahead of the election?

Politics & Society

The political challenge of a divided electorate

The Federal Election result was marked by countervailing swings that political parties will need to learn to navigate

Politics & Society

Voter aspiration delivers for Coalition

Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s message of aspirational individualism resonated with voters, leaving the polls behind and leaving Labor contemplating a reshaped agenda. But the political challenge of climate change still remains