
Game on for collaborative learning
Video games, collaborative tasks and explicit instruction are helping neurodiverse children learn crucial social skills

Health & Medicine
Study backs wider carrier screening for Fragile X Syndrome
Fragile X Syndrome, a genetic trigger for autism and intellectual disability, has complex risks and consequences, but that shouldn’t stop wider screening says new research

Under the Microscope
Struggling in school: Helping every student learn
Dr Shiralee Poed’s concern for students with special needs and behavioural challenges is the key driver for her work in education

Health & Medicine
Under the Microscope
Autism research, this time it’s personal
Having a son with autism has fired researcher Dr Elisa Hill’s passion for discovering the vital link between brain and gut, which will significantly improve the quality of life of children with autism.

Health & Medicine
Amazing Grace: How sweet the sound
Strumming a guitar with a child newly diagnosed with autism can help foster social interaction, says Dr Grace Thompson

Health & Medicine
Brain in a dish: the therapeutic potential of stem cells and organoids
Miniature immature organs in dishes, known as organoids, may hold the key to major breakthroughs in treatments for epilepsy and autism, as well as a range of other diseases