Arts & Culture
Beauty, wine and death in the ancient world
A new exhibition gives insights into the hidden lives of women, children, slaves and artisans of the ancient Graeco-Roman world
Politics & Society
Beyond beauty
Are we undervaluing the role beauty workers can play in encouraging some of society’s most vulnerable to seek professional support?
Health & Medicine
Why being the fairest of them all still pays
New research finds economic inequality can actually incentivise some women to use their attractiveness to try to get ahead
Arts & Culture
Narcissus and the drawbacks of being a hot teenage boy
The myth of Narcissus as told by the Roman poet Ovid isn’t so much about narcissism and self-discovery, as about what it is to transgress the norms of male sexuality
Business & Economics
Cosmetic surgery and the workplace beauty premium
Improving your looks may boost job satisfaction, but employers should focus more on rewarding talent than attractiveness