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Big Data

  1. 19 October 2017 - Engineering & Technology

    Crunching the numbers for the common good

    Big data can provide insights and information about the future; a University of Melbourne expert explains how big data can inform Australia's future.

  2. 18 September 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    Genes, numbers and the holy grail of cancer prevention

    University of Melbourne researchers are leading a new effort to use genomics and personalised medicine against some of the most lethal cancers

  3. 17 July 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    How death by numbers promotes global health

    University of Melbourne population health expert, Alan Lopez, has received Bloomberg funding to help developing countries improve their cause of death data.

  4. Podcast29 June 2017 - The Policy Shop

    Kaggle founder talks Big Data

    Big Data is revolutionising how we live and work. This episode of the University of Melbourne's Policy Shop podcast discusses the opportunities and challenges.

  5. 14 March 2017 - Engineering & Technology

    Is digital connectivity threatening your privacy?

    Changes to online behaviour and the law are needed to ensure we reap the benefits of technological innovation without threatening our privacy.

  6. 27 February 2017 - Learning & Teaching

    Asking the right questions of big data in education

    Universities have seized on big data to count every click their students make in learning management systems, but the focus needs to be on improving learning.

  7. 16 February 2017 - Engineering & Technology

    Big Data projects big things for White Night

    Using algorithms to analyse large amounts of social media data can tell us a great deal about how visitors experience White Night.

  8. 13 February 2017 - Inside Business

    How tacit collusion makes consumers pay

    A first of its kind study that analysed over 1.7 million prices has provided empirical evidence of how tacit collusion worked in the Perth petrol market.

  9. 6 February 2017 - Humanities

    Making big sense of big data: The quest to improve human reasoning

    US intelligence is investing millions of dollars in a global research effort to boost analytical thinking by unlocking the reason in crowds

  10. 28 October 2016 - Engineering & Technology

    Crime and privacy in open data

    Testing the strength of methods used for protecting privacy in open data is critical, and criminalising it will only endanger privacy.