
Sciences & Technology

Be alert, not alarmed about foot and mouth disease

The spread of foot-and-mouth disease to Bali was not unexpected, but what we each do next will determine the consequences for Australia

Sciences & Technology

Feral honeybees key to controlling deadly parasite

To stamp out the Varroa destructor parasite now attacking honeybees, we need to be targeting potentially infected feral honeybee populations


Protecting Australia’s citrus industry

Researchers have identified an Australian strain of fungus that causes citrus rot, calling for effective controls to protect the citrus industry

Sciences & Technology

An ounce of biosecurity prevention is worth two pounds of cure

Australia will avoid $A314 billion in damages, at an average return on investment of 30:1 through the continued operation of its biosecurity systems, new research shows

Sciences & Technology

Tracking the movement of mosquito stowaways

Dengue mosquitoes and tiger mosquitoes pose a range of challenges to global health, but genomics is helping us to prevent these dangerous species from sneaking past Australian biosecurity

Sciences & Technology

The wicked risks of biosecurity

As our world becomes increasingly connected, the only way we can manage the risk of pests coming into Australia is ensuring an effective biosecurity system

Health & Medicine

Forecasting flu outbreaks

New software based on statistical probability principles is helping forecast our flu season, and could also identify the level of threat of a bioterrorist attack

Sciences & Technology

From racehorses to bananas: The importance of biosecurity

Australia’s commitment to biosecurity makes us one of the few countries to remain free from the world’s most severe pests, weeds and diseases. But the price we pay is eternal vigilance


The black spot on Australia’s chilli industry

Four new pathogens that cause a damaging disease in chillies have been detected in Australia, raising the stakes for biosecurity and resistance efforts



Under the Microscope

Biosecurity and the beekeeper

A passion for bees and beekeeping gives Professor Jean-Pierre Scheerlinck the headspace to think creatively about biosecurity and threats to the complex food production chain