
Health & Medicine



The biomechanics of going really, really fast

From swimming to shot put, biomechanics can identify key physiological traits that contribute to athletic success in Olympic sports

Health & Medicine

How old are your internal organs?

New research finds that the age of your brain and body can appear many years older (or younger) than your chronological age

Health & Medicine

4 things you may not know about human anatomy

Can you flex the last joint on your index finger? Do you have a palmaris longus muscle in your palm? On World Anatomy Day, see what you can discover about your body

Health & Medicine

The digital dissection of the human body

Understanding human anatomy is key for medical practice, now a new tool, An@tomedia, allows for the digital dissection of our insides

Sciences & Technology

Superhuman abilities could lurk under your skin

Insertable technology could launch a new type of human