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  1. 26 May 2021 - Engineering & Technology

    Do you think better when you’re moving?

    People who performed a task to identify visual targets did significantly better when tested while walking, finds new research led by University of Melbourne.

  2. 24 May 2021 - Health & Wellbeing

    Brain development is altered in people at high risk of psychosis

    Neuroscientists including University of Melbourne show the brain’s white matter develops slower in young people at high clinical risk of a psychotic episode

  3. 18 January 2021 - Health & Wellbeing

    Fear, memory and brain exploration

    A mostly uncharted region of the brain, the zona incerta, may play a role in memory and hold the key to how we control fear, say University of Melbourne experts

  4. Podcast25 November 2020 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    The science of coughing

    Coughing is a human defensive reflex - it keeps our airways clear - but Professor Stuart Mazzone explains the difference between a good cough and a bad cough.

  5. 2 November 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    The legacy of maltreatment on the brain

    New University of Melbourne research into childhood maltreatment looks at why brain development may be derailed during the ‘sensitive’ adolescent period.

  6. 21 October 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    What is Post-COVID-19 Neurological Syndrome?

    We're still learning about the lasting COVID-19 effects on the brain, but new University of Melbourne research finds Post-COVID-19 Neurological Syndrome is real

  7. 4 October 2020 - Health & Medicine

    Grasping COVID-19’s long neurological tail

    University of Melbourne and other medical experts warn that we need to know more about the long-lasting neurological and neuropsychiatric impacts of COVID-19.

  8. Podcast30 September 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    The brain benefits of music

    The University of Melbourne's Professor Sarah Wilson discusses music neuroscience and why no other species uses a complex musical system like we do.

  9. 29 September 2020 - Health & Medicine

    Mapping the terra incognita of our brains

    New research from University of Melbourne experts has mapped the subcortex, creating a detailed subcortical atlas of the most ancient part of our brain.

  10. 21 September 2020 - Health & Wellbeing

    Chemogenetics: A new way to understand brain function

    University of Melbourne researchers developed a method to study neural pathways that could reveal new information about the behaviour and diseases of the brain.