Buruli Ulcer
Sciences & Technology
We now know what causes the Buruli ulcer, so what are we doing about it?
Knowing that mosquitoes are involved in the transmission of the Buruli ulcer in Victoria is a breakthrough, but we need to work out what happens next to tackle the disease
Sciences & Technology
The breeding trap targeting Melbourne’s growing mozzie problem
A mosquito trap that could significantly reduce egg numbers may be the answer to controlling mosquito-borne diseases – like the Buruli ulcer – in Victoria
Health & Medicine
Australia’s flesh-eating bug outbreak needs urgent research
A localised epidemic in temperate Australia of the rare tropical Buruli ulcer has exposed a major gap in scientific knowledge that needs filling – now
Health & Medicine
The science behind Victoria’s “flesh-eating bacteria”
As the number of Buruli ulcer cases linked to Mycobacterium ulcerans continues to rise in Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula, we look at the science behind the spread of the microbe