Child Abuse

Politics & Society
Australia must protect future Olympians from abuse
With athletes at the ‘Youthful’ Olympics as young as 11 years old, more needs to be done to protect young people in sport from any kind of abuse

Politics & Society
Big tech and porn platforms are the real perpetrators behind 'sickening' deepfakes
The AI-generated child sexual abuse deepfakes at a Melbourne school were created by a teenage boy, but we can’t ignore the real perpetrators

Health & Medicine
It’s time to ban corporal punishment of kids in Australia
Children have the right to be safe from violence inside and outside the home – and Australia’s corporal punishment of children legislation needs to catch up

Health & Medicine
We have to stop child sexual abuse before it happens
The discrepancy between consequences for perpetrators and consequences for victim-survivors tells us that the system isn’t working and has to change

Health & Medicine
The legacy of maltreatment on the brain
Childhood maltreatment is a pervasive problem; new research sheds light on why brain development may be derailed by maltreatment during the ‘sensitive’ adolescent period

Health & Medicine
We’ve lost the wisdom of Solomon
The legal presumption of shared care is the starting point for childcare arrangements both informally and through the courts. This presumption is putting women and children in ongoing danger of violence and abuse. The law needs to change

Health & Medicine
The uncomfortable truth about child sexual abuse
Institutional child sexual abuse and high-profile cases like George Pell attract the headlines, but abusers are most likely to be close to a child’s family

Health & Medicine
Supporting men to end family violence
Helping men understand and change their behaviours is an important part of addressing family violence

Health & Medicine
A teacher’s pet or a victim of sexual abuse?
The Teacher’s Pet podcast shines a light on some of the most difficult issues in our society, but the words we use to discuss them have power

Health & Medicine
Children speak out on family violence
Interviews with children and young people whose fathers use violence reveals that they require their Dads make amends so they can move on. Their voices are now being used in fathering programs