
Sciences & Technology

Will a computer take your job?

It’s predicted that computers could one day become smarter than humans, but we shouldn’t forget people power in the age of artificial intelligence

Health & Medicine

From decades to days: 3D modelling tuberculosis

3D modelling of the mutations in TB means doctors around the world could soon tailor individual treatments for the disease in a matter of days, rather than years

Sciences & Technology

When computers make art

Artificial intelligence is proving to be as good as humans at making art. What does that mean and where will it go?

Sciences & Technology

What kind of rear window into encryption do the Five Eyes want?

An international intelligence alliance wants to weaken data encryption for everyone in a bid to stop terrorists, but does it risk leaving us more exposed?

Sciences & Technology

Seeing the electricity inside graphene for the first time

In the race towards faster and smarter next-generation electronics, including quantum computers, researchers at the University of Melbourne are the first in the world to image how electrons move in two-dimensional graphene

Sciences & Technology

The birth of the computer revolution

The oldest surviving first generation electronic computer CSIRAC turns 60 this month

Health & Medicine

Why Big Data is a Big Deal

Scientists can now manipulate data to see patterns and solutions that otherwise were undiscoverable

Sciences & Technology

Can hackers turn off the lights?

Keeping our critical infrastructure safe from destructive cyber-attacks

Sciences & Technology

A blueprint for greener cloud computing

Cloud computing promises to streamline IT for businesses and individuals, but we must seize the opportunity to make it greener

Sciences & Technology

Social networking to empower older people

University of Melbourne researchers are discovering how online connections help prevent social isolation.