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  1. 28 May 2018 - Science Matters

    Speeding natural selection in the name of conservation

    University of Melbourne scientists are using breeding to genetically adapt quolls to resist toxic cane toads – if it works it may help other endangered species

  2. 12 February 2018 - Humanities

    Bringing a fire damaged book back from the brink

    Conservators at the University of Melbourne have developed a new technique for preserving parchment, after rescuing a WW1 memorial book damaged by fire.

  3. 11 February 2018 - Science Matters

    The threatened species in our urban jungle

    With almost 380 threatened species living with us in our cities, a University of Melbourne expert says we can help conserve those species in our neighbourhoods

  4. Podcast17 May 2017 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    Forty per cent banana, ninety nine per cent bonobo

    Miegunyah Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Professor Bernard Wood, discusses our close cousins, the great apes, and ponders who our ancestors really are.

  5. 26 April 2016 - Engineering & Technology

    Keeping Antarctica clean

    University of Melbourne chemical engineers are restoring the balance in Antarctica, using techniques to help clean and protect the frozen continent from humans.

  6. 14 April 2016 - Science Matters

    Move it or lose it: Exploiting genetic diversity to fight extinction

    Earth is facing a catastrophic extinction event, and to avoid this we need to think differently about species conservation

  7. 20 November 2015 - Legal Affairs

    Coalface tactics

    Conservation groups are using the law to disrupt the coalmining industry and government approval of planned mines, says University of Melbourne expert.