COVID-19 India

India’s COVID-19 divide in digital learning
There’s an unfolding education crisis in India, as the pandemic highlights the inequalities faced by students, teachers and families trying to learn online

Politics & Society
A long way from home
As India’s COVID-19 lockdown continues, many migrant workers from the country’s Northeast are unable to return home. But even when they can, they face fear and stigma

Health & Medicine
Caring for India’s elderly during COVID-19
India’s recently extended lockdown for COVID-19 is particularly difficult for the country’s elderly, but there are steps than can be taken to ease the burden

Politics & Society
India’s local governments tackling COVID-19
Telephone booth-style testing centres, stay-at-home talent competitions and community kitchens are helping India face the challenges of COVID-19

Politics & Society
Securing India’s food supply during COVID-19
India’s old system of subsidised crop prices for farmers and the needy is proving its worth at a time of economic crisis

Health & Medicine
COVID-19 and containment: A dual burden for India
Could ongoing COVID-19 ‘lockdowns’ in India risk more harm than the pandemic itself given a population already facing major poverty and health challenges?