
Sciences & Technology
Using quantum computing to protect AI from attack
AI can be fooled into making mistakes, sometimes risking lives, but quantum computing could provide a strong defence

Business & Economics
Directors’ duties and cyber security - it’s complicated
Effective management of cyber security risks is a core governance concern but the imposition of a new mandatory directors’ duty would be a step too far

Sciences & Technology
Where’s the proof internet voting is secure?
Victoria’s Electoral Matters Committee is looking at how our elections are conducted and internet voting is a real option. But is there any real proof that our votes would be secure?

Politics & Society
This is not a drill: A cyberthreat reality check
Cybersecurity is now an official national priority for Australia. So how would we respond to an attack on the country’s critical infrastructure? And what makes Australia vulnerable?

Sciences & Technology
What kind of rear window into encryption do the Five Eyes want?
An international intelligence alliance wants to weaken data encryption for everyone in a bid to stop terrorists, but does it risk leaving us more exposed?

Sciences & Technology
Q&A: The ransomware cyber-attack fallout
Computers in 150 countries were attacked by WannaCry ransomware – we ask the experts what we’ve learned from the worldwide hack

Politics & Society
Russia’s meddling in the French elections: How and why?
Vladimir Putin’s pursuit of returning Russia to ‘Superpower’ status hinges on weakening the European Union