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  1. 28 March 2018 - Engineering & Technology

    Data privacy and power

    Amid the fallout over harvested Facebook data, University of Melbourne experts argue that we need more control over our data and less of it being collected.

  2. 12 December 2017 - Public Affairs

    The silence of the not-for-profit sector

    Research, involving the University of Melbourne, finds that Australia’s not-for-profit organisations are staying silent on big issues for fear of funding cuts.

  3. Podcast11 August 2017 - Up Close

    Phantom democracies

    Political thinker John Keane on the rise of corrupt political regimes that employ democratic rhetoric, social media and economic growth to win over the public.

  4. Podcast19 July 2017 - The Policy Shop

    Corruption and Australia’s Parliament

    This episode of the University of Melbourne's Policy Shop podcast examines the issue of corruption in Australian politics, and whether a new watchdog is needed.

  5. 30 March 2017 - Public Affairs

    Is populism pushing Europe’s left-wing parties into long-term decline?

    To challenge the rise the populist Right in some European countries, the Left needs a stronger vision, like social democratic parties had in the Post-War years.

  6. 23 March 2017 - Public Affairs

    Why Nordic countries top the happiness league

    It is no coincidence that Nordic countries topped the ratings in the Happiness Report 2017 – they explicitly invest in and promote equality.

  7. Podcast22 February 2017 - The Policy Shop

    Why are we so angry?

    Why are we so angry, even though the world has never had it so good? Professor Peter Singer discusses what it means for the future.

  8. 7 December 2016 - Public Affairs

    Why France is taking Europe to the crossroad

    All eyes are on the French Presidential election in April and May as European politics lurches between liberalism and populism.

  9. 1 December 2016 - Public Affairs

    Liberal Democracy: Why we may be losing it

    Liberal democracy may not be a strong as we think it is as University of Melbourne research suggests that falling public support can be a harbinger of losing it

  10. 5 July 2016 - Public Affairs

    Why politics is testing our faith

    A fractured Australian election result and signs of voter disenchantment are raising questions about political culture and fit for purpose institutions.