Disability Rights

Health & Medicine

It's time to improve employment for Australians with disability

New research finds that for people with disability, working in a job that's a good match for their skills and needs can improve mental health. But the reverse is also true

Health & Medicine

Deeper data needed to understand scale of abuse faced by people with disability

The size and scale of the problem of violence against people with disability remains obscure because the data is too fragmented. A new project aims to change that.

Politics & Society

Breaking down COVID-19 barriers for people with disability

COVID-19 poses particular challenges for people with disability, but some aren’t the issues that people might assume

Health & Medicine

Making Australia’s most liveable city more inclusive

Melbourne is a great city to live in, but it can do better for people with a disability by making it more accessible and inclusive

Politics & Society

Fighting for the rights of Australians with disability

Geoff Bell was a pioneer in the Australian disability rights movement and his archive shows how far we’ve come in 40 years, and how far we have yet to travel