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  1. 29 November 2023 - Legal Affairs

    When AI gets it wrong, workers suffer

    AI can be just as discriminatory in the workplace as any human manager and the law needs to catch up to this new reality, says University of Melbourne expert

  2. 16 May 2023 - Learning & Teaching

    The importance of allies on IDAHOBIT Day

    While increased visibility of the LGBTQIA+ SB community aims to promote acceptance, it can inadvertently increase stigma, says University of Melbourne expert.

  3. 7 March 2023 - Engineering & Technology

    The women putting the intelligence in artificial intelligence

    On International Women's Day, University of Melbourne experts say it’s crucial women play a role in AI innovation and education to combat gender discrimination.

  4. 16 February 2023 - Humanities

    Empowering disabled talent in the Australian screen industry

    A new University of Melbourne report highlights discrimination and inaccessibility for disabled film and television workers in Australia

  5. 1 December 2022 - Health & Wellbeing

    Removing barriers to participation for people with disability

    Policies that remove barriers to participation could substantially improve health and wellbeing for people with disability, say University of Melbourne experts.

  6. 14 June 2022 - Legal Affairs

    Reimagining age equality at work

    There’s an ambivalence in age discrimination law. Now, age equality needs a voice for a more equal future in the workplace, says University of Melbourne expert.

  7. 16 May 2022 - Health & Wellbeing

    Challenging five years of transphobia

    The impact of the ‘transgender debate’ is unrelenting, but visible acts of allyship can help Australia's trans community say University of Melbourne experts.

  8. 24 November 2021 - Engineering & Technology

    Challenging decisions made by algorithm

    If an algorithm makes an unfair decision about you, a lack of process makes it hard to challenge, appeal or even contest it, say University of Melbourne experts

  9. 19 February 2021 - Legal Affairs

    Protecting staff at parliament house

    University of Melbourne expert says Australia’s Parliament should comply with their own workplace and anti-discrimination laws to protect staff working there.

  10. 16 February 2021 - Inside Business

    Children with same-sex parents outperform others in school

    Same-sex-parented children outperform their peers in many areas of academic achievement finds a new study led by the University of Melbourne.