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  1. 10 October 2018 - Inside Business

    We need another revolution in the march to good health

    A University of Melbourne expert says healthcare in the Western world is at a tipping point as populations age; data is our greatest hope to face the challenge.

  2. 26 August 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    MS and new ways of regenerating our brain’s insulation

    New University of Melbourne research that stimulates myelin production, a step that could help people living with degenerative neurological diseases like MS.

  3. 27 June 2018 - Under the Microscope

    Tapping into the power of unusual white blood cells

    A University of Melbourne and Peter Doherty Institute researcher is probing unusual T cells in the immune system to find new ways of combating diseases

  4. 14 June 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    World-first test could predict your risk of a heart attack

    World-first research, involving the University of Melbourne, has developed a blood test to predict the risk of heart attack those with severe heart disease.

  5. 26 November 2017 - Animals, Food & You

    The changing disease climate

    As climate change gives tropical diseases new opportunities to spread, University of Melbourne veterinary epidemiologists watch for patterns in animal disease.

  6. 9 November 2017 - Science Matters

    From racehorses to bananas: The importance of biosecurity

    Australia's biosecurity measures protect us from many diseases, and racehorses here for spring racing are no exception, says a University of Melbourne expert.

  7. 1 June 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    Brush your teeth! It could save your life

    Poor mouth hygiene can lead to bacteria and serious illness through the blood stream. University of Melbourne scientists are working with CSL on a vaccine.