
Health & Medicine



Artificial intelligence is changing the way your GP works

Many of us are still getting our heads around the potential impacts of AI, but medical AI scribes are fast becoming an ally in GP consultations

Health & Medicine

People coming off antidepressants are looking for help online

Tapering off or ‘deprescribing’ antidepressants is a complex process, but without tailored clinical guidelines, some people are turning to their peers instead of their doctors for support.

Health & Medicine

Supporting Australian doctors to help kids with anxiety

While there is guidance for health professionals to identify anxiety in adults, our new Australian-first guidelines are designed to help treat and manage anxiety in our young people

Health & Medicine

Keeping rural Australians out of hospital

Accessing health care in rural Australia is challenging, but without it, patients can end up in hospital for preventable reasons

Health & Medicine

Training our doctors for the future

We must teach our future doctors how to intelligently access and thoughtfully use the knowledge available to them – including learnings from COVID-19

Health & Medicine

The dark side of electronic medical records

Clinical decision support systems help doctors ‘do the right thing’ by their patients, but they can also be exploited – Australia needs to think about regulation sooner rather than later

Health & Medicine

It’s more than the money: Getting GPs to go to rural areas

While Australia’s Federal Budget promises more money to rural GPs, will the cash make a difference when it comes to getting and keeping doctors in remote Australia?

Health & Medicine

Do new doctors get enough child health experience?

During training doctors see a lot of emergency presentations prior to entering General Practice, but evidence suggests they aren’t as confident in treating child mental health and behavioural problems

Business & Economics

How are Australia’s doctors faring during COVID-19?

New research finds that general practitioners and other specialists are feeling the stress – not just from COVID-19, but also the broader economic fallout

Health & Medicine

Improving cancer care through good communication

A new study highlights effective ways to improve care for people living with cancer by working on the communication between physicians and their patients