Early Childhood

Children are more than just a return on investment
Early childhood programs and related funding are often justified on the cost-benefit analysis of what children could contribute to the economy when they grow up. But that needs to change

Why early childhood education is everyone’s business
The first five years of life are the most critical for building the foundations for life-long learning, well-being, and health, and it is critical we have policy reform and investment in quality early childhood education

Boosting early learning for Indigenous children
Identifying developmental difficulties in young children from remote Aboriginal communities early boosts their chances of success later in life, and a new tool is helping

Business & Economics
The algorithm for accessing child care
How matching theory, the study of supply and demand, could help secure your child a spot in child care

Instructional teaching explained
Also known as ‘intentional teaching,’ instructional support is thoughtful, informed and deliberate.

Prescription for developing a child’s mind
How quality teacher interaction with children pays off in their future education and development

Health & Medicine
1000 days to close the gap
What we can learn from the early baby health centres in Victoria to close the gap in Indigenous infant health

Health & Medicine
Breastfeeding: The heart of the matter
World’s largest study confirms breastfeeding improves the health and intelligence of children and the wellbeing of their mothers

Quality early learning out of reach for many
While disadvantaged children need high quality early education the most, these programs tend to be concentrated in Australia’s wealthier suburbs - making them difficult for families in need to access

Arts & Culture
Under the Microscope
Growing up Greek in Australia
Award-winning Australian historian Professor Joy Damousi shines a light on the immigrant experience for refugees of a bygone era