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  1. 9 July 2017 - Science Matters

    Re-diversifying our waterways, a garden stake at a time

    University of Melbourne researchers are showing that by simply planting wooden garden stakes into rivers they can restore the environment and bring back animals

  2. Podcast30 June 2017 - Up Close

    Embracing the finite

    Ecologist Peter Vitousek explores how living in the Anthropocene will force us to make our way with diminished natural resources.

  3. 8 May 2017 - Science Matters

    Sharks: How a cull could ruin an ecosystem

    With a Senate inquiry considering culls and nets to minimise the risk of shark attacks, the University of Melbourne considers their impact on marine ecosystems.

  4. 4 May 2017 - Science Matters

    When good animals make bad decisions

    Human impact on the environment is tricking animals into ecological traps, where attractive habitats hide a big risk as University of Melbourne research finds.

  5. 23 March 2017 - Science Matters

    Managing bushfires for safety and biodiversity

    Forest fires destroy but also create habitats, forcing forest managers into a tricky balancing act. Fire researchers are now developing models to help them.

  6. 18 July 2016 - Science Matters

    Making megacities healthy for humans

    Urban ecology, a mix of geography, ecology, architecture and urban planning, can provide a greener alternative to cities, say University of Melbourne experts.

  7. 9 June 2016 - Science Matters

    What animals can tell us about sleeping

    To learn more about why we sleep, new research suggests we look to the animal world and how bees and birds (and others) do it in their natural environment.

  8. 24 February 2016 - Science Matters

    The genetic backburn

    A new study is proposing a radical method for limiting the spread of an invasive species, like cane toads or tramp ants: introducing more of them.

  9. 18 December 2015 - Science Matters

    Three ways frogs and roads don’t mix

    Roadkill, habitat isolation and acoustic interference from traffic noise are big problems for many frog populations