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  1. 26 June 2019 - Inside Business

    Breaking the workplace code of silence

    Progress on gender equity in Australian work places is being held back by a socialised 'code of silence' around the issue says a University of Melbourne expert.

  2. Podcast21 November 2018 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    Standing up for science

    In the latest episode of the University of Melbourne's Eavesdrop on Experts podcast, Nobel Laureate Randy Schekman argues for open-access publishing.

  3. 11 November 2018 - Humanities

    A year on from ‘YES’: What still needs to change on campus?

    A year on from Australia voting 'yes' for same sex marriage, a University of Melbourne expert says education and health settings still need to be more inclusive

  4. 31 July 2018 - Inside Business

    Who is doing what on the homefront?

    The University of Melbourne's HILDA survey finds Australia's more progressive attitudes regarding gender roles isn’t translating into division of chores at home

  5. 20 April 2018 - Science Matters

    Your grandchildren may retire before we have gender equality in science

    University of Melbourne research has found the gender gap for women working in STEMM could remain for generations without intervention.

  6. 8 March 2018 - Public Affairs

    Religious freedom: One right among many

    A University of Melbourne expert argues the tension between rights like religious freedom and equality reflects the need for an Australian bill of rights.

  7. 14 February 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    Why all jobs aren’t equal for people with disabilities

    University of Melbourne research has found that people with disability are more likely to experience low-quality jobs, seriously impacting their mental health.

  8. 9 October 2017 - Inside Business

    5 ways the future of work could change for women

    Women remain under-represented in senior roles and earn less. University of Melbourne experts discuss what the future of work could look like for women.

  9. Podcast31 August 2017 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    Discrimination in the classroom

    University of Melbourne's Dr Shiralee Poed on improving teaching for children with disabilities and why all students deserve to go to their local school.

  10. 23 May 2017 - Public Affairs

    Can the NDIS deliver?

    A University of Melbourne report evaluates the progress of the NDIS so far, suggesting it may inadvertently exacerbate the inequities it was designed to solve.