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  1. 9 November 2017 - Science Matters

    Genes don’t always dictate that ‘boys will be boys’

    New University of Melbourne evolutionary biology research finds that genes don't always dictate that 'boys will be boys' in the animal world, just like humans.

  2. 22 August 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    Stopping the flu before it takes hold

    University of Melbourne researchers find a way to prime the innate immune system to potentially head off respiratory infections, like flu, before we get sick.

  3. 26 May 2017 - Science Matters

    Darwin was right: Females prefer sex with good listeners

    University of Melbourne researchers prove one of Charles Darwin's theories about sexual selection; in moths - larger antennae can better detect female signals.

  4. Podcast17 May 2017 - Eavesdrop on Experts

    Forty per cent banana, ninety nine per cent bonobo

    Miegunyah Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Professor Bernard Wood, discusses our close cousins, the great apes, and ponders who our ancestors really are.

  5. 16 March 2017 - Science Matters

    Lizards keep it local when it comes to colour change

    Bearded dragons can adapt to colours in their local environment; University of Melbourne experts say they're not as good at unfamiliar colours, but will try.

  6. 23 December 2016 - Go Figure

    Goosebumps can give us more than the shivers

    Goosebumps are not just your body's way of reacting to emotion. They could hold the key to stopping skin cancer, treating burns and even curing baldness.

  7. 3 September 2016 - Science Matters

    Planting the seeds of sovereignty

    Two plants that were brought to Australia more than 100 years ago bred together. But instead of creating a new hybrid, one plant has taken over.

  8. Podcast3 June 2016 - Up Close

    The necessity of kindness

    Evolutionary biologist Professor Lee Dugatkin talks to the University of Melbourne's Up Close podcast about altruistic behaviour in insects, animals and beyond.

  9. 11 March 2016 - Go Figure

    Some newborns hit the ground running – and why others don’t

    Giraffes start running with the herd the same day they are born but humans can take a year or more just to start walking. The answer is economic.

  10. 5 February 2016 - Go Figure

    Why don’t humans have tails?

    Here's why humans lost their tails in the great evolutionary journey, even though animals have many uses for them, says a University of Melbourne expert