Politics & Society
The Facebook trick online gambling is using to target Australians
New research has found some overseas online casinos are illegally targeting Australians using Facebook ads – and it’s a big problem
Politics & Society
Australia vs Facebook: Regulating the market of attention
Facebook’s move to block Australian users and publishers from viewing or sharing news may look like it’s about content – but it all comes back to advertising revenue
Politics & Society
ACCC doubles down on digital platforms
While there are no quick fixes, the ACCC’s final report into digital platforms in Australia finds that powerful tech giants like Google and Facebook warrant close competition scrutiny
Business & Economics
Why data is king
We love Google and Facebook. We’ve helped turn them into two of the biggest digital giants in the world. But there’s a tension between our privacy and our data as a valuable business commodity
Politics & Society
Your online life after death
From algorithms that post tweets for us after we die to bequeathing a digital legacy to our families – death is being disrupted by technology
Business & Economics
They’re using my face
What cosmetic bloggers and the Cambridge Analytica saga tell us about protection from misleading conduct
Sciences & Technology
Data privacy and power
We need to rein-in data harvesting with more user control and simply less data collection
Sciences & Technology
Facebook, the Government and revenge porn
Facebook and the Australian government are piloting a scheme to tackle revenge porn, but does it ask too much of potential victims to give up their privacy in order to gain privacy?
Arts & Culture
The Facebook debate verdict is a potential goldmine for the politicians
It might have been awkward at times, but the Great Debate would reached new audiences – and will keep doing so
How gender shapes our Facebook chats
Psychologists and computer scientists team up to study which words we use, and why