Fake News

Politics & Society

Disinformation in 2024 was rife, and it’s likely to bring more risks in 2025

It's official. The world's top global risk is misinformation and disinformation, according to the World Economic Forum

Politics & Society

Australia isn’t immune to disaster disinformation

Disinformation can make it hard for people to distinguish and act on accurate advice. And this can mean life or death when it comes to natural disasters like bushfires

Politics & Society

Disinformation thrives on division in our cities

Disinformation now spreads at a speed and scale that society has never faced before, but cities are uniquely positioned to respond to this growing challenge

Politics & Society

Our kids are missing out on critical thinking

If we are to navigate the complex challenges of the 21st century, our understanding of and ability to teach critical thinking demands urgent attention

Politics & Society



Cities must act quickly to challenge disinformation-fuelled violence

Riots and violent unrest in the UK following the murder of children in Southport demonstrates the need for city governments to act quickly against disinformation

Politics & Society

How disinformation is undermining our cities

Disinformation is a modern reality. It sows distrust and division in communities, but it’s also affecting our cities’ ability to function

Politics & Society

Our government must trust the experts

The pandemic saw a rise in anti-expert sentiment, including from government, but does the public really distrust the advice of experts?

Sciences & Technology

A little bird didn’t tell me

The hack attack on Twitter was aimed at financial gain, but what happens when hacking turns political? Regulation is part of the answer, as is becoming more savvy ourselves

Sciences & Technology

The truth is out there (if only I could find it)

COVID-19 has generated an information – and misinformation – overload. But what people need are updates that are relevant, concise and don’t offer false hope

Politics & Society

Fake news in the age of COVID-19

Over the last four years, fake news has become an everyday expression, and a major part of any discourse around the media. But what is the impact of fake news in this strange new age of COVID-19?