
Arts & Culture
Book extract
Why children’s stories are full of orphans, evil stepmothers and boarding schools
While ideas of family are changing, from Charles Dickens to Harry Potter, absent parents endure in children’s literature

Health & Medicine
Caring for the carers
National Carers Week is a time to think about the unpaid work done by millions caring for loved ones with mental ill health and how we can support them

Politics & Society
We need good policy to back working dads
A new University of Melbourne podcast about dads, families and work explores how policies and jobs could (and should) support working fathers and their families

Business & Economics
Navigating the great office exodus
Working from home went from zero to 100 during COVID-19, but how have Australians coped with the shift away from the traditional workplace? The annual HILDA survey has some answers

Politics & Society
How COVID lockdowns affected our relationships
COVID-19 forced many of us to stay at home. For some this was a positive, bringing families closer together. But for others, it was lonely and overwhelming

Business & Economics
Ensuring families aren’t left behind in the recovery
The COVID-19 economic shock has seen widespread financial stress among families with young children and now is the time to tackle it

Business & Economics
Time to reform Australia’s unfair family support system
Family benefit payments aren’t fit for purpose with complex rules that make it hard for mothers to return to work and that penalise dual-earner families

Business & Economics
Separated parents getting better at shared care?
The HILDA survey shows a big increase in shared child care among separated parents, while the annual number of people separating from a partner is about five in every 1,000

Business & Economics
Pets and Australians: Who has what?
HILDA reveals that almost half of Australian households have a dog, and around two-thirds have at least one pet, with cats and fish also popular at home

Health & Medicine
Diagnosing dementia in younger people
A diagnosis of younger-onset dementia can be devastating, but specialist service can help to provide clarity and support, faster