Family Breakdown

Health & Medicine

Making the link between family violence and animal abuse

Sometimes it’s the vet who is the first medical professional to see the signs of family violence

Business & Economics

When families and money don’t mix

The banking Royal Commission highlights the vulnerability of parents acting as guarantors of their child’s business loan and the need for better ways to support decision-making

Health & Medicine

Children speak out on family violence

Interviews with children and young people whose fathers use violence reveals that they require their Dads make amends so they can move on. Their voices are now being used in fathering programs

Business & Economics

Disadvantage, family breakdown and homelessness

As disadvantaged Australians face rising housing costs, University of Melbourne research looks at the statistics that make the link between family breakdown and homelessness

Health & Medicine

Hidden burden as young carers pick up the pieces

Young people are stepping up to care for child relatives when families breakdown, but who is looking out for them?