Family Court

Politics & Society

Australia’s courts and gender dysphoria

Australia’s Family Court continues to oversee the treatment for children experiencing gender dysphoria in some cases, but is there a better alternative?

Health & Medicine

We’ve lost the wisdom of Solomon

The legal presumption of shared care is the starting point for childcare arrangements both informally and through the courts. This presumption is putting women and children in ongoing danger of violence and abuse. The law needs to change

Health & Medicine

Safe at home or sitting target?

Family violence is a leading cause of homelessness among women because even if she wants to stay in the home after a violent partner is ordered away, she risks becoming a sitting target

Health & Medicine

Children speak out on family violence

Interviews with children and young people whose fathers use violence reveals that they require their Dads make amends so they can move on. Their voices are now being used in fathering programs