
Under the Microscope
From diet to climate, our fertility is at risk
A childhood fascination with the family dairy farm led Associate Professor Mark Green to a career in reproductive biology

Politics & Society
Book extract
The great ‘gayby’ boom
Changing social and legal perspectives of parenthood, and access to the global fertility industry has enabled a huge rise in queer people raising children

Health & Medicine
Male infertility may be the world’s ‘canary down a coal mine’
A global team of experts has made ten crucial recommendations to urgently tackle the worldwide decline in male fertility

Sciences & Technology
Male fertility ‘precariously close’ to climate change extinction limits
The loss of fertility in males as a result of climate change, particularly in the tropics, may be a better predictor of vulnerability to extinction

Health & Medicine
Freezing eggs for IVF: Waste not, want not
Women can freeze their eggs while delaying childbirth, but many will be wasted while other women are desperate for eggs. We need a system of egg donation

Sciences & Technology
Herbicide impacts marsupial reproduction and development
New research shows atrazine, a herbicide banned in the EU but widely used in Australia, causes abnormalities in marsupial genitalia

Business & Economics
Thinking about using donated eggs to start a family?
In Australia, the donor egg industry is heavily regulated, but in countries like the US, it can feel more like online shopping. Here’s what you need to know

Sciences & Technology
‘Safe’ herbicide in Australian water affects male fertility
Scientists are calling for a herbicide banned in the European Union for the last 15 years to be withdrawn in Australia for its effect on male fertility

Health & Medicine
Women and the slowing global population
In many countries around the world, birth rates are slowing to a more sustainable level. And it’s women that are the driving force behind the change

Health & Medicine
Busting the myth that endometriosis is a ‘skinny woman’s’ disease
Endometriosis is very common, but relatively little is known about it; Melbourne researchers are filling in these knowledge gaps, starting with the condition’s link to body mass index