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Foreign Policy

  1. 14 February 2022 - Public Affairs

    Southeast Asia matters to Australia

    A University of Melbourne expert says it’s in Australia’s national interest to engage strongly with Southeast Asia or risk a hole in its Indo-Pacific strategy.

  2. 3 December 2021 - Design

    Local climate action blocked by foreign relations laws

    Foreign relations laws are hindering efforts Australian state and local governments are making for global climate targets, says a University of Melbourne expert

  3. 27 October 2020 - Public Affairs

    Trump or Biden: The implications for Asia

    The US is more needed but less trusted in Asia; a University of Melbourne expert says Trump or Biden must work to restore America’s credibility in the region.

  4. 10 September 2020 - Design

    New foreign relations bill puts ‘city diplomacy’ at risk

    Proposed legislation to veto international city agreements if inconsistent with foreign policy puts city diplomacy at risk say University of Melbourne experts.

  5. 10 March 2020 - Humanities

    The long shadow of the Cold War

    A new book by a University of Melbourne expert explores how the shadow cast by the Cold War continues to shape the foreign policy of successive US presidents.

  6. 18 October 2019 - Public Affairs

    Australia’s incredible shrinking Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

    Diplomacy could be helping to further Australia’s interests, but with continuing DFAT budget cuts, University of Melbourne experts say it isn't a priority.

  7. 2 May 2019 - Legal Affairs

    Australia’s cuts to aid go against national interest

    Australia's foreign aid is at a relative all-time low that will only hurt the national interest amid global instability, a University of Melbourne expert warns.

  8. 20 March 2019 - Public Affairs

    Why Australia needs to pay attention to the Indian election

    Australian foreign policy is increasingly focusing on India, but the country’s elections demand close attention says an Australia India Institute expert.

  9. 16 August 2017 - Public Affairs

    Australia’s strategic steps before any North Korean conflict

    A University of Melbourne expert explores the steps the Australian government will exhaust before entering into a conflict with North Korea as a US ally.

  10. 6 June 2017 - Humanities

    Daring to resolve conflicts without war

    As the numbers of conflict deaths and refugees grow, in part due to the Syrian war, University of Melbourne experts argue for diplomats to focus on prevention.