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  1. Podcast14 August 2018 - The Policy Shop

    How does gender diversity improve science?

    On this episode of the University of Melbourne's Policy Shop podcast, Londa Schiebinger from Stanford discusses achieving true gender balance in the sciences.

  2. 2 August 2018 - Legal Affairs

    Blurred lines: Your employer, Twitter and the law

    A University of Melbourne expert says Angela Williamson’s sacking from Cricket Australia, over political opinions on Twitter, shows us we need clearer laws.

  3. 31 July 2018 - Inside Business

    Who is doing what on the homefront?

    The University of Melbourne's HILDA survey finds Australia's more progressive attitudes regarding gender roles isn’t translating into division of chores at home

  4. 22 May 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    Breaking gender stereotypes. Early

    University of Melbourne-led research finds gender stereotyping can start young, but if tackled in preschool we can promote equality for girls and boys.

  5. 14 March 2018 - Engineering & Technology

    Engineering gender equality

    Why aren't more women studying engineering? A University of Melbourne expert says the lack of role models in specific areas of the discipline needs to change.

  6. 4 December 2017 - Inside Business

    The minimum wage gender divide

    We might expect the gender pay gap to be zero among minimum-wage workers, but University of Melbourne research finds women earn around 10 per cent less.

  7. 27 September 2017 - Inside Business

    Teenage daughters as a risk of divorce

    University of Melbourne research finds parents of teenage daughters have a higher risk of divorce - but the risk disappears if the fathers grew up with a sister

  8. 24 August 2017 - Learning & Teaching

    Getting more women into technology careers. Now.

    University of Melbourne experts say there needs to be a big shift in educational focus and workplace culture to get more women into careers in technology.

  9. Podcast22 June 2017 - The Policy Shop

    To quota or not to quota

    The University of Melbourne's Policy Shop considers whether quotas or 'targets with teeth' will address the lack of women in Australian business and politics.

  10. 26 April 2017 - Learning & Teaching

    Minding the gap for boys and girls at school

    Aptitude isn't gendered, so how do we address the school performance gaps between girls and boys? University of Melbourne researchers delve into the causes.