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  1. 7 June 2018 - Science Matters

    Fighting back against the Australian blowfly

    University of Melbourne scientists have collected blowflies from farms across Australia as part of efforts to develop a vaccine to protect sheep from flystrike.

  2. 20 March 2018 - Science Matters

    The genes that turn malaria into a killer

    University of Melbourne experts have discovered a group of proteins associated with the deadliest forms of malaria; this finding could help protect children.

  3. 28 February 2018 - Health & Wellbeing

    Filling in the genetic blanks of breast cancer predisposition

    A pioneering University of Melbourne study helps show why around 60 per cent of families with multiple breast cancer cases can’t be explained by genetics.

  4. 21 February 2018 - Science Matters

    Extinct Tasmanian tiger now back in 3D

    University of Melbourne experts have scanned and modelled preserved Tasmanian Tiger joeys, allowing them to reconstruct the marsupials' growth and development.

  5. 15 February 2018 - Science Matters

    The tip of the CRISPR iceberg

    CRISPR gene editing technology has become closely associated with human gene editing, but it offers much wider benefits, says a University of Melbourne expert.

  6. 8 February 2018 - Science Matters

    Grasshoppers: The new poster bug for insect conservation

    University of Melbourne researchers have discovered Key's matchstick grasshopper is threatened, and are now looking into how it can be reintroduced in Victoria.

  7. 2 February 2018 - Go Figure

    Are redheads with blue eyes really going extinct?

    Red hair and blue eyes is the rarest colour combination in humans; a University of Melbourne expert looks at whether they're really going extinct.

  8. 12 December 2017 - Science Matters

    Secrets from beyond extinction: The Tasmanian tiger

    Researchers at the University of Melbourne and Museums Victoria have sequenced the entire Tasmanian tiger genome, revealing new secrets about the thylacine.

  9. 31 October 2017 - Health & Wellbeing

    5 discoveries we can thank twins for

    35 years of Twins Research Australia at the University of Melbourne have led to insights into how genes and the environment work together to impact our health.

  10. 22 October 2017 - Science Matters

    Coming to the genetic rescue of our endangered marsupials

    A technique of genetic rescue developed by University of Melbourne researchers is bringing some of Australia's endangered marsupials back from the brink.