Global Health

Health & Medicine

Richer countries are getting unfair access to life-saving vaccines

New research finds that the way vaccines are manufactured and priced is creating inequality between the world’s richest and poorest countries

Health & Medicine

Male infertility may be the world’s ‘canary down a coal mine’

A global team of experts has made ten crucial recommendations to urgently tackle the worldwide decline in male fertility

Health & Medicine

Just one dose of HPV vaccine benefits women worldwide

A single dose of the human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) provides years of protection from cancer and simpler vaccination programs

Health & Medicine

Putting people before profits for global health

Powerful commercial actors have a disproportionate influence on politics, the economy, our climate and our health. So how can we shift the focus from raising profits to improving health?

Health & Medicine

We can eliminate cervical cancer

Australia is on track to be the first country to eliminate cervical cancer, but inequities persist

Health & Medicine


Book extract

Future-proofing research

Medical science and research more generally, are key to solving some of the world’s biggest problems, but it needs to be fostered

Health & Medicine

Prisons are communities too

COVID-19 has exposed the urgent need to reform incarceration systems globally to end overcrowding and improve health care

Health & Medicine

Watch Episode 1: Conversations on COVID-19: A Global View

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on ‘scientific experts’ - perhaps none more so than US advisor Dr Anthony Fauci - but will there be a greater role for scientists in public life?

Health & Medicine

The interconnectedness of human, animal and environmental health

All of the systems on our planet are interconnected. The One Health approach brings together human, animal and environmental health experts to tackle some of our biggest issues

Health & Medicine

Women and the slowing global population

In many countries around the world, birth rates are slowing to a more sustainable level. And it’s women that are the driving force behind the change