

We are not tracking the impact of half the world’s mines

Global mapping of mining areas using satellite imagery reveals a stunning lack of data on mining activity and impacts

Politics & Society

Local responses to global nomads

From Bali to Barcelona, digital nomads are increasing, but they’re not always welcomed by the local communities who live there


Food for thought

Food, and where it comes from, connects all of us – so using it as a tool to teach students global competency and citizenship makes sense


Is EQ more important than ever?

As we ask students to become more globally competent, the need to develop social and emotional skills – or emotional intelligence – is more essential than ever

Arts & Culture

A nomadic sense of home

Home is often understood as a fixed point in space that’s tied to territory, but nomadic communities remind us that home can be cultivated on the move

Business & Economics

Encouraging responsible sourcing in our supply chains

We may all want our products to be sourced responsibly but mathematical modelling suggests firms need low-cost ways to signal their credentials, and more of us taking notice

Politics & Society

How to rescue free trade in the post-COVID world

Free Trade Agreements have ended up as the ‘poster boy’ of anti-globalisation, but labour and environmental provisions in FTAS could provide an answer to the critics

Politics & Society

The rise of the digital nomad

Nomads have historically been seen as a threat, but several countries around the world are now actively seeking to attract this growing digital legion through new remote work visas

Sciences & Technology

An ounce of biosecurity prevention is worth two pounds of cure

Australia will avoid $A314 billion in damages, at an average return on investment of 30:1 through the continued operation of its biosecurity systems, new research shows


Reimagining international airports in COVID-19

COVID-19 highlights that our capacity to manage international travel is critical when responding to a pandemic. The way we design airports could minimise the risk of imported outbreaks