Great Barrier Reef

Restoring coral reefs by hedging our bets
Coral reef restoration needs a set of coral species with traits that, combined, underpin resilience, persistence, and ecosystem services

For coral, teamwork makes the dream work
The discovery of clusters of two types of bacteria in the tentacles of corals sheds light on their role in coral reef health

Sciences & Technology
The ‘Russian dolls’ of coral reefs
The discovery of bacteria inside the algae that live inside corals sheds new light on reef-building corals and could be important for understanding coral bleaching

Sciences & Technology
Breeding baby corals for warmer seas
Hoping to give mother nature a helping hand, researchers are using in vitro fertilisation to breed corals better able to cope with our changing climate

Sciences & Technology
Heating up: How rises in global temperature could damage the Reef
As global surface temperatures rise, new research looks at the potential impact on Australia and its Great Barrier Reef

Three ways to save stressed-out coral
What if coral could be made more resistant to the effects of climate change?

Sciences & Technology
Under the Microscope
Helping corals survive a rapidly changing world
Professor Madeleine van Oppen wants to manipulate the complex relationship between corals and microbes to accelerate coral evolution