
Health & Medicine
Your cold house is bad for your mental health
New research finds that the poorest Australians in the worst health are living in the coldest homes during Australian winter and it’s putting their mental health at risk

Sciences & Technology
How Australia’s prefab industry can help the housing crisis
Prefabrication is a practical solution to meet Victoria’s urgent housing needs by providing speedy and cost-efficient dwellings

To build more homes we need confidence in building quality
Australia plans to build an extra 1.2 million quality homes in five years, but we don’t have the people or regulatory processes to achieve this

Sciences & Technology
Nano inks could change how we use energy
New research uses ‘phase change inks’ to control temperature in everyday environments – reducing our energy consumption for a sustainable climate future

Lifting standards in Victoria’s building industry
Victoria’s regulatory system leaves home-buyers vulnerable, but the Government has an opportunity to raise the bar for builders

Business & Economics
How we’ve changed in 20 years
The HILDA Survey is into its 20th year and shows a changing and generally well-functioning society but also reveals the pressure points

Sciences & Technology
What Victoria’s earthquake tells us about the safety of our structures
Australia has earthquake safety regulations for buildings, but Wednesday’s earthquake reminds us to be informed about the safety of our structures

Politics & Society
Protecting older Australian women from homelessness
Older women are the fastest growing group of people experiencing homelessness in Australia, and crucial to change is providing greater access to social and affordable housing

How our housing can make it feel like an Arctic winter
Australia’s housing just isn’t good enough when it comes to dealing with winter temperatures – we need to take lessons from the Northern Hemisphere

Health & Medicine
Preventing a rebound in youth homelessness after COVID-19
Initiatives to protect homeless young people during the pandemic were effective, but we need a long term strategy that delivers better support and helps prevent homelessness