Human Behaviour

Health & Medicine

Overcoming our psychological barriers to embracing AI

A new study highlights the best ways of addressing barriers to adopting AI and the risks and benefits involved

Business & Economics

Every Sherlock needs a Watson (or two)

Creatives often need colleagues to be catalysts, but how can organisations identify and foster these catalysts – and can too much become cataclysmic?

Health & Medicine

Can your personality be good, or bad, for your health?

The HILDA 2019 Survey finds intriguing links between dominant personality traits and the onset of serious illness – but it’s more likely to do with the behaviours linked to those traits

Politics & Society

5 modern philosophical dilemmas

A new ABC TV series looks at the role of philosophy in society - its host Dr Daniel Halliday examines how this wisdom can be applied to very modern dilemmas

Sciences & Technology

Clock on: When weather gets into a routine

Driving cars and using electricity is changing the city around us, with new analysis suggesting it is also forcing nature to conform to our weekly working routines

Business & Economics

Taking the risk out of decision-making

How we assess risk is influenced by how others are behaving – the trick is to keep your head while those around you are losing theirs

Arts & Culture


Go Figure

Why boys are blue and girls are pink

Hundreds of years ago the two colours told a very different story, but the current status quo will be hard to budge

Sciences & Technology

Breaking: Pigs like cuddles too

We get a boost in oxytocin or ‘love hormone’ levels after cuddling or positive interaction, now a world-first study shows pigs work the same way

Health & Medicine


Go Figure

Now we know: Why we stand in queues

Queuing is governed as much by environmental design as unspoken rules promoting equality and efficiency

Business & Economics

Bubbly personality: how our biology hits budgets

Economics and neuroscience are coming together to help solve market bubbles and crashes, by investigating how financial decisions are tied to our biological makeup