Indigenous Politics

Politics & Society

Being an effective ally for self-determination

As the Indigenous Voice to Parliament campaign continues, supporting the self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will benefit all Australians


Talking to young people about the Voice

Explaining a referendum on constitutional law to young people can seem a tall order, but they already have a good knowledge of the world around them

Health & Medicine

True reconciliation or just history repeating?

As a nation, we cannot have those who keep the oldest living culture alive being exposed to hatred we are currently allowing

Politics & Society

Don’t twist the aim of The Voice for political gain

Opponents to the Indigenous Voice to Parliament are repeating history – taking the very real issue of child protection and using it as a political weapon

Health & Medicine

Humble learning

The Garma Festival is an invitation to walk and work with the oldest living culture in the world — to listen deeply with purpose

Politics & Society

Hearing the white noise

We need to go beyond the institutional hypocrisy of Reconciliation Week events and start really addressing the racism in our legal system

Politics & Society

Real action needed on Aboriginal deaths in custody

It’s 30 years since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody but families continue to lose loved ones amid high incarceration rates, making the need for effective action ever more urgent

Politics & Society


Book extract

Championing Indigenous women politicians

The theme for 2020’s National Reconciliation Week is ‘In this Together’; an edited extract from a new book celebrates the contribution of Australia’s Indigenous women in political leadership

Health & Medicine

Voice. Treaty. Truth.

Indigenous relations in Australia have come a long way, but it’s clear there is still a long and uncomfortable way to go

Politics & Society

Fighting to right past wrongs

A Larrakia, Wadjigan, Central Arrernte man from the Northern Territory, Eddie Cubillo has devoted his career to advocating for Indigenous Australians