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Indigenous Politics

  1. 26 September 2023 - Health & Wellbeing

    Being an effective ally for self-determination

    Supporting the self-determination of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will benefit all Australians, says a University of Melbourne expert

  2. 8 August 2023 - Learning & Teaching

    Talking to young people about the Voice

    Explaining the Voice referendum to young people is made easier by their good knowledge of the world around them, says a University of Melbourne expert

  3. 27 May 2023 - Health & Wellbeing

    True reconciliation or just history repeating?

    As we recognise National Reconciliation Week, we still see the oldest living culture alive being exposed to hatred explain University of Melbourne experts.

  4. 28 April 2023 - Public Affairs

    Don’t twist the aim of The Voice for political gain

    Opponents to the Indigenous Voice are repeating history – using the issue of child protection as a political weapon, says University of Melbourne expert.

  5. 24 August 2022 - Health & Medicine

    Humble learning

    The Garma Festival is an invitation to walk and work with the world's oldest living culture, listening deeply with purpose, says University of Melbourne expert.

  6. 26 May 2022 - Legal Affairs

    Hearing the white noise

    We need to go beyond the institutional hypocrisy of Reconciliation Week and start addressing the racism in our law system, says University of Melbourne expert

  7. 13 April 2021 - Legal Affairs

    Real action needed on Aboriginal deaths in custody

    Thirty years on from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody the situation has worsened. A University of Melbourne expert says real action needed

  8. 27 May 2020 - Inside Business

    Championing Indigenous women politicians

    In an edited extract from a new book, a University of Melbourne expert celebrates the contribution of Australia’s Indigenous women in political leadership.

  9. 7 July 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    Voice. Treaty. Truth.

    Indigenous relations in Australia have come a long way, but in NAIDOC Week 2019 a University of Melbourne expert says there is still an uncomfortable way to go.

  10. 26 May 2019 - Health & Wellbeing

    Going beyond healing to build Indigenous power

    A University of Melbourne experts says reconciliation has focused on healing, but for young Indigenous Australians, the future is all about new opportunities.