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  1. 20 May 2018 - Humanities

    20 years after Soeharto: Is Indonesia’s ‘era reformasi’ over?

    Indonesia's President Soeharto’s 32-year rule ended 20 years ago, but a University of Melbourne expert says recent changes raise questions about the future.

  2. 27 November 2017 - Public Affairs

    Music for change

    In collaboration with the University of Melbourne, Indonesian band Navicula is using music to strike chords of change in global indigenous communities.

  3. 19 April 2017 - Public Affairs

    Blasphemy, treason and democracy: Jakarta goes to the polls

    Indonesian voters are at the polls to elect a new governor of Jakarta, the University of Melbourne's Tim Lindsey talks through the religious and racial tensions

  4. 31 March 2017 - Go Figure

    Jaw-dropping: So how does a snake eat a man?

    A reticulated python reportedly ate a man in Indonesia, but just how can a snake eat a grown human?

  5. 12 January 2016 - Music, Arts & Screen

    Gallery: Artists bring cross-cultural exchange to Jakarta

    Conversation: Endless Acts in Human History is an exhibition in Jakarta focusing on Sally Smart and Entang Wiharso’s cross-cultural dialogue.

  6. 8 December 2015 - Public Affairs

    Light shines on Timor-Leste

    Xanana Gusmão says Timor-Leste is making strong progress after winning independence from Indonesia – and how Australia can help and also learn.

  7. 11 August 2015 - Under the Microscope

    On Indonesia: Language, law and looking past the boats

    Tim Lindsey explores Australian-Indonesian relations, including the lack of Indonesian speakers in Australia and the perennial problem of the boats.